Do you value the ideas, initiatives, and scholarship that have emerged from those shaping and shaped by American Studies in our eleven-state region? Do you have an interest in supporting American Studies students and scholarship? If so, we invite you to consider joining us on the MAASA Executive Board. We seek additional at-large members (i.e. MAASA members who aren’t faculty at one of our PhD-granting institutions) to help keep American Studies healthy and vital in our region.
What do we do? Among our responsibilities, one of the most important is supporting the work of American Studies, our dynamic quarterly interdisciplinary journal – the only one produced by an American Studies Association regional chapter! Just recently we Board members went through the journal bid process and are proud with the new team of editors who will continue the tradition of bringing essays and reviews that orient, connect, and challenge us and expand how we conceive of American Studies in the Midwest. Another responsibility is organizing biannual conferences, which feature the latest research of student and faculty. This past year – taking a bit of creative license during this COVID era – we held a series of online convenings, which brought together scholars from across the region in dynamic discussion.
If you want to be considered for Executive Board membership, please submit a brief letter of interest (no more than one page), along with a current C.V./resume to bhallstoos@dbq.edu.